About Us

UP2U Telecom is your one-stop shop
for all your home and business
connectivity needs.

We have a full suite of TV, Internet, landline and mobile choices. Depending on your situation UP2U will get you connected at the most stable and cost effective method.

We all need to make phone calls and we often need to call abroad, the costs can easily pile up extremely high.

  • We have the perfect solution for you!

  • UP2U offers you free phone calls abroad!

In order to make a free phone call anywhere in the world, the person you are calling must also have UP2U installed.

So make sure to tell all your contacts to download our app right away!


Making free phone calls abroad for free is very simple: just download our app, create an account, check your contacts for other UP2U users, and you can start talking to them for free even if you are both at other ends of the world!


You can also make conference calls, send texts and send attachments for free to all you UP2U contacts.

We also offer video calling for free.


With video call you can have a conversation with another UP2U user while you are both seeing each other talk.


Video call can even be used instead of business meetings!

You can also make very cheap phone calls to non-UP2U users for a very cheap price.


In order to call a non-UP2U user, you will first need to top up your account or be a subscriber to one of our unbelievable packages . You can do this on our mobile app or user login on our website or by simply calling us. Its Up to you!


You can top up for as little as €5 and then make cheap phone calls to anyone in the world.


You can check the prices for calling abroad, click here.


We have prices for most countries, both to mobile and landline.


If you are a frequent caller abroad, we can offer you some great package deals. You can save up to 50% with our deals!


Our app can be installed on iOS, Android, Mac and PC.

Copyright 2020 - Up2U Telecom
